This is my thought for the end of the year.
Once again, this year I have heard so much of violence against women. Hear we hear of the deaths of many women assassinated by their partners, who still wish to control them. We do not hear of those that live in fear, hidden away behind locked doors.
In many respects women have moved forward in the world, but in other respects we still have a long way to go.
If we make the decision to leave an abusive partner, be it mental or physical, then so be it. It is our right to take decisions and act apon them. It is our right to be free and not live eternally in fear.
Another year is ending, and I would say to those living in a fearful situation, be strong and seek help. The pathway may not be easy but with courage you can build a new future. It is your right to be free and live in peace.
"It is not a garment I cast off today, but a skin that I rip with my bare hands" Khalil Gibran