Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Sorry is such an easy word to say, at times we use it and it is not necessary. Those who know and love us should understand that maybe a sudden outburst or when we shut ourselves away, is normally for a reason, the need to shed some tears to empty our souls of whatever plagues us, or to suddenly explode to release frustrations, those that really know and love us will understand and allow you to weep or vent those pent up feelings by not taking it personally. Those who are unsure of us , may take it personally or not understand, thus creating a distance between us. We apologise in our lives for many things and this is a good act for those times we hurt or offend others. However we should not feel the need to apologise to take a little private time, to be quiet and think, or to remember and weep...its a cleansing of the soul that each and everyone needs to do from time to time. Those of us who can´t maybe need to find a way to rid their inner self of toxic lifestyles or events, then they will gain an understanding of the importance of these times to ourselves in our private space with our private thoughts. Never say your sorry for allowing yourself to weep.


fjl said...

Merry Christmas and enjoy the break.

signing as said...

thanks fjl and the same for you with lots of happiness

HP said...

I believe in the word sorry (as long as it's not empty of meaning), particularly in the context of important relationships. The potential for hurt is so much greater. The power of such a small word is the acknowledgement of the less than perfect way we sometimes treat each other.

signing as said...

I agree with you HP that sorry is a word that all of us should offer at times, but here I´m talking on a milder front..we shouldnt need to apologise if we wish to lock ourself away and shed a few tears, or write a few words or take some space, like the partner should not need to apologise for being so engrossed in a game of football that he doesn´t hear you, or wanting time out.relationships are hard but I think we can apologise too often for minor things that people close to us should understand, it´s almost as if we apologise for being who we are, but you raised a good point.