Sunday, June 18, 2006

For Joe

My thoughts for you. I hold out my hand for you to take hold of, so that I might help and lead you from this fog that surrounds you. At times we are all in need of someone to share our pain with. When life plays a cruel trick of fate and takes someone from you it´s hard to believe in life. The people left behind are those that suffer, and not understanding how or why makes things even more difficult. Be strong take time, change your environment so you have the opportunity to grieve and remember there are those who love you dearly. Pain and loss are a part of life´s pathway.


Cielo said...

Thank you so much for dropping by my blog, and for your kind message. Your blog's pretty neat as well -- also love your unique counter. ^_^

signing as said...

thankyou cielo, i shall visit you again